Most dogs will stop chewing on everything when they are between the ages of 6 and 18 months old. However, it is important to understand that this age range is just an estimate and can vary greatly depending on many factors. Some puppies may never outgrow their chewing stage while others may do so quite early.

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, but destructive chewing can become a problem if it causes damage or injury. To prevent this, owners should start teaching their dog proper behaviors from a young age by providing safe toys and discouraging them from chewing inappropriate objects. Additionally, regular exercise, mental stimulation, and boredom relief can help reduce the need for excessive chewing.


Chewing is a normal behavior for dogs of all ages, but as puppies mature, it’s important for owners to know when their pup reaches an age at which they should stop chewing on everything.

Dogs don’t reach adulthood overnight and their behaviors change over time. Puppies are born with the instinct to chew, whether it’s teething or they just love the taste and texture of objects. But this instinct should gradually decrease as the pup grows into adulthood. Knowing when your pup moves past the chewing phase is key: not only can overt chewing cause damage to items around your home, but it’s also unsafe for your pup if they happen upon small objects that may be swallowed.

This article will discuss in more detail when puppies usually stop chewing on things and provide advice on how to deter inappropriate chewing weblink behavior during different stages of puppyhood.

What Age Do Dogs Stop Chewing on Everything?

The age at which a dog stops chewing on everything will vary from dog to dog. Some dogs may never grow out of their tendency to chew on things, such as furniture and shoes, while other dogs may stop chewing earlier than expected. Generally speaking, it is most common for puppies to stop teething and be done with chewing by 12-18 months.

At this stage in their lives, puppies are transitioning from being young and energetic to more mature and gentle companions. They also become less inclined towards chewing objects that aren’t food items because their adult teeth are now developed enough for them to recognize what’s okay and what isn’t okay for them to chew on.

Therefore, if you’re concerned about your pup finding something undesirable or unwanted in the house to chew on, it might be helpful to provide their own suitable chew toys or bones that they can gnaw on safely. This way they can satisfy their natural urge to explore new things through their mouths without getting into trouble!

Reasons Why Puppies and Young Dogs Chew

Puppies and young dogs often chew on inanimate objects for two reasons: boredom and teething. Young puppies are full of energy and need lots of stimulation to stay occupied throughout the day. Without activities to keep them busy, they’ll look for anything interesting to chew on, including your shoes or furniture!

And the act of chewing can also help alleviate puppy teething pains. By chewing on different items around the house, young dogs can massage their gums and find some much-needed relief from their aching teeth. This is why you should always have plenty of dog-safe chew toys handy so they always have something appropriate to chew on.

Otherwise, they may seek alternatives that could be potentially dangerous (like electrical cords) or destructive (like your sofa).

How to Handle Puppy and Young Dog Chewing

Dealing with pup and young dog chewing can be tough. But, by understanding why puppies and young dogs chew and being proactive in providing them with appropriate outlets, you can minimize destructive chewing around your home.

Start by making sure your pup has plenty of appropriate chews and toys to enjoy. Offer up both interactive toys that you can play together as well as ones they can enjoy alone. Rotate toys regularly so they don’t become bored. Also provide plenty of canine-safe chewable treats so they won’t be tempted to chew something else!

When training your pup or young dog, also reward them for focusing on chew toys instead of other items – like shoes! You can also teach the ‘leave it’ command as a helpful cue when your pup seems especially tempted to dig into something inappropriate.

Finally, keep valuable items out of reach and limit puppy access to areas where chewing may happen. Puppy gates or crates are great tools for this since they give pups limited freedom while still keeping them safe and secure while unsupervised in the home.

Teaching ‘No Chew’ Lessons

Teaching your pup to stay away from certain items is one of the best ways to prevent destruction in the home. First and foremost, develop a list of “no-chew” items such as remote controls, shoes and other household items that you don’t want your pup getting into. Keep these items up high or locked away whenever possible.

When you see your pup trying to chew on an item make sure they know it’s not allowed. Interrupt them with a stern “No!” word and then give the pup a toy or chewable treat they are allowed to have instead. Be sure to reward them when they get it right, so they know what behavior is desired!

It can help to start teaching boundary lessons at a young age, but it’s never too late with persistent training. However, at some point most dogs will lose interest in chewing everything and will become better behaved adults in no time!

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

An important part of preventing your puppy from developing negative chewing habits is to provide them with appropriate chew toys. Chew toys give your pup something worthwhile to chew on and can also help relieve anxiety in high stress situations.

You can start providing your puppy with chewable objects around 4 weeks old. As puppies reach the age of 6 to 8 months, they’ll develop an increased jaw strength and that’s when they need larger, more durable chew toys. Allowing them to try a few different types of chew toys will let you know which they prefer and which ones stand the test of time!

Once puppies reach approximately one year old (give or take a few months), they should have acquired better self-control and their curiosity should have diminished enough so that they are not as prone to chewing on random objects anymore. Providing a variety of interesting and appropriate chew toys throughout this period is critical for helping ease back this natural inclination in young pups.