Multi-touch attribution is the preferred model to help marketers understand how their campaigns are performing by offering granular insights across the entire user journey. However, multi-touch attribution is not as popular as with ad networks as both Apple SAdNetwork and Android use last-click attribution. Once you’ve chosen an attribution model that you can benefit from, it’s essential to understand the process of mobile app attribution in the marketing funnel. In its most basic form, it essentially starts with the user clicking on an ad and eventually installing the app. The attribution SDK will launch once the user opens the app, and the attribution tool will collect the data.

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Digital Turbine: A Number Of Exciting But Questionable ….

Posted: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:01:57 GMT [source]

Because the device ID is used, the match is 100% accurate for attribution. Claim Request – A claim request is sent to a SAN asking if they have ad data from the same device that has triggered an install and/or post-install event to be tracked in the MMPs system. As we’ve said, a mobile funnel may be complex, have multiple channels, and take time. Thus, a traffic source typically has around 7 seven day more or less for a conversion to occur. With mobile advertising, the given app in question tracks users with a User ID. That’s where something called SDKs will come into play, but we’ll elaborate on that later.


This will give you an indication of how well your app is doing and if there are any areas that you can optimize to increase downloads. Mobile attribution is similar to web tracking or attribution but has some what is mobile attribution key differences. An attribution window is a set amount of time a publisher can claim that a click or impression resulted in an install. For instance, an advertiser may set an attribution window of seven days.

what is mobile attribution

When tracking events, advertisers can choose which post-install events constitute a conversion for a particular ad campaign. However, I’ve also included a couple of other mobile attribution platforms worth checking out – Singular, Tenjin, and Attribution. When it comes to the top mobile attribution platforms, four market leaders are AppsFlyer, Adjust, Kochava, and Branch. However, with some platforms we’ve used, the data was often more than a day late. One of them is that monthly reports are late because we have to wait for attribution data. Another thing that might happen is that an attribution platform doesn’t show the full number of installs, which then makes the CPI seem lower than it is.

Voluum Tracker and MMP

Some multi-touch attribution models will assign value based on when a consumer interacted with a touchpoint relative to the conversion, while others weigh up all touchpoints equally. You can’t just append a tracking parameter to that URL to attribute installs to sources. An app install is linked to a marketing activity such as an ad or a marketing campaign using mobile attribution. Marketers want to identify when their ad campaigns are successful, so they employ mobile attribution platforms to link impacts to drivers .

what is mobile attribution

Because of that, one of the most important reporting features is a high level of customization, as we want to track different metrics for different clients and campaigns. Furthermore, the ability to get as much data as possible on one page makes our job easier since it allows us to skip many additional steps. This also depends on your specific needs, but generally speaking, you want the attribution platform to have a wide range of useful features and attribution methods. Not to mention it creates problems on the reporting side because campaign numbers don’t seem to match up, causing mistrust among clients.

Kochava Attribution

Look for a mobile attribution tool that offers accurate and reliable app analytics such as tracking, reporting, and optimization capabilities. Singular houses a robust suite of tools – including mobile attribution solutions, marketing analytics, fraud prevention solutions, and ad monetization analysis. It also offers automation of data standardization and cost-and-ROI reporting. AppsFlyer touts its privacy-first approach to attribution and offers a measurement suite, SKAdNetwork solution, and cost aggregation solution. Its platform allows marketers to see conversions across the user journey and glean actionable insights for creating exceptional customer experiences. As mentioned before, the user journey can become opaque once they enter an app store environment.

  • If the user is new, the attribution provider will attempt to match the user’s install to their engagement with a particular ad or series of marketing touches.
  • A janky app that keeps crashing or a convoluted buying process will leave customers feeling frustrated and may ultimately result in abandoned shopping carts.
  • Mobile attribution resides at the intersection of marketing, data analytics, and engineering.
  • While Apple attribution issues continue, Google is attempting to take similar action with its Android operating system and Chrome browser.
  • As we have described in a previous post about attribution measurement, there are many models of single- or multi-touch attribution that can be applied.

Last touch is the most common model used in the mobile attribution framework, and it is the industry standard. For example, if a user engages with three different ads, by clicking on all of them, before installing an app, the last one the user clicked on will be given credit for the install. And, as a result, the install will be attributed to the app install campaign responsible for that ad. Last touch attribution model applies not only to clicks, but also to impressions.

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Make sure to thoroughly test the integration before you go live with the system. That way, you can be sure that all of your attribution data is accurate and up-to-date when it’s time to start analyzing performance metrics. Time-decay attribution – also a type of multi-touch attribution – allows marketers to assign increasing value to more recent touches while less weight is given to earlier touches. This will enable advertisers to focus on high conversion-driving touch points, which often influence decision-making. When a lead becomes a customer, you need to know which marketing channel or campaign should receive credit, and account-based attribution will give you the answers. Better understand their users Uncover your users’ journey from the first ad interaction to install and post-install activities.

what is mobile attribution

If campaign A gets more instals than campaign B, this isn’t always a sign that campaign A will provide you with a better return on investment. This was the superior investment if more people from campaign B wind up completing in-app purchases – or perhaps land you some large ad whales. Knowing what constitutes success allows you to repeat your successes and increase your return on investment. Furthermore, fraud prevention and detection is another essential feature a mobile attribution needs to have. It’s something that costs you millions of dollars and prevents you from making good decisions. Look no further – I’ve compiled a list of the best mobile attribution tools, along with a guide on how to choose the best one for your business.

UGC or Influencer Marketing?

It is specifically designed to work in the world after the iOS 14.5 update. Sprinkle that with complex automation features for building an audience and you get yourself a very competent mobile measurement partner. That’s why we recommend having a mobile attribution tool that will help you understand where your users are coming from and which campaigns resonate with them the most. Adjust – A mobile attribution and analytics company that provides app marketers with a comprehensive business intelligence platform.

what is mobile attribution

Armed with this knowledge, app publishers and marketers can maximize ROAS by personalizing the user experience and creating targeted campaigns that drive conversions. While single events may not be insightful, over time, mobile attribution tools can paint a beautiful picture that tells a captivating story. From how a customer acquired your app to how much money they’ve spent, app tracking attribution can provide insights that allow for smarter operational decisions. First-click attribution records the first attribution data point – or touch – which allows the marketer to see where the user came from. For example, if the prospect clicks on an ad through social media, the first click mobile attribution will inform the marketer that the user entered the e-store via the ad.